Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Moles??? The kind that up root you flowers and grass?? How do you get rid of them??

These things are making me so mad!! I Just planted all new flowers in my flower bed and a mole has gotten in there and up rooted everything!!!! How do i get rid of them the cheapest way or any way?? I just figure there is some kind of home remedy or whatever????

Moles??? The kind that up root you flowers and grass?? How do you get rid of them??
I have heard it all. Egg shells, chewing gum, banana peelings, flooding, peppers, human hair, Soap and bacon grease, humane urine, chemical pellets and even smoke. Sorry, but it’s all worthless. You’re going to have to get rid of them and do so aggressively. For best and quickest results, use the spring traps (I saw some at Wall-Mart last week). Place them over the "runs" that you see thought your yard. Then the moles go through, it triggers the trap and you'll have one. Be sure to re-set the trap for another.

Poison peanuts/wheat also work, but results are slower. These are made by the W. R. Sweeney Company. I have also, if you have the time, walk on the mound that is left when they dig %26amp; just wait. Soon, you will see them going through the tunnel by raising the dirt again. Quickly dig them up w/a shovel. You have to move fast to get them this way. Odds are good; you won't be able to kill them fast enough.

Until you solve the real problem, you will continue to have moles. They are in you garden, and will soon be in your yard because there is an abundance of Grubs there. Just like another animal, they have selected your yard for the abundance of food there. You can treat your yard with a Bayer product, GrubX. It is a granular product that spreads on the lawn much like you would spread fertilizer. A product that has Bifenthrin, sometimes called Talstar as an active ingredient in it will also work well. Another possibility is to add nematodes to your Garden/yard. The nematodes can be found at most of your Mom and Pop garden centers, and feed on Grubs. Another product many people have had success with (myself included) is Milky Spore. To treat the lawn, just put a spoon full at 3 foot by 3 foot. Milky Spore lasts for many years. Understand, it will only kill the grub in its larva stage and will not harm the existing grubs. These are much more organic approaches, but as is normally the case with organic solutions, results will be slower. Rid your Garden/yard of the Grubs and your mole problem will not be resurfacing.
Reply:You need to kill the insects in your soil. Mainly grubs. Get some kind of treatment for your lawn you may have to ask what is safe for your flowers. The moles are there because there is something to eat.
Reply:I get many moles in the winter. I leave them alone and collect their mole hills for the greenhouse. In the summer I want them out and the only effective remedy is a mole trap which takes some skill in setting. It must be set in a run but covered so that no light gets in. Once you have caught a mole any others seem is disappear - at least for a while. Gas tablets rarely seem to work and are dangerous to humans. Things that make a noise simply move them to another place in the garden.

Regards, Jim mansfield [UK]
Reply:Leave little balls of juicy fruit chewing gum lying around in your garden or by the moles holes. They love it but cant digest it so they croak
Reply:I have used Mole Traps, Juicy-Fruit, Poison peanuts, rice, moth balls, eggshells....none of it worked.

I finally got rid of the moles after treating my lawn and garden for grubs.

Good Luck.
Reply:Get a mole trap. You can probably get one at home depot.
Reply:Being in the Landscaping Business,and a lover of my own yard...get mole plants.I have many extras if you can't find them.They really work !!!It's not always about keeeping the bugs etc. out of your yard,because I give my yard regular feedings of all kinds,and still had them ...they also feed on plant roots.

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